Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris Funny Jokes

Chuck Norris once threw a rock in the air, now we have the moon

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.5 from: 2 votes

Chuck Norris receives full retail value for his trade ins at Game Stop

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2 from: 5 votes

Santa use to be real before he put Chuck Norris on the Naughty list

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2 from: 5 votes

the giraffe originated from Chuck Norris kicking a horse in the f*cking chin

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2 from: 3 votes

The only reason aliens were able to destroy the Earth in Independence Day was because Chuck Norris had the day off

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.5 from: 2 votes

When Chuck Norris uses a computer, he uses a real mouse

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.33 from: 3 votes

Chuck Norris was once hit by a monster truck then he hit it back and destroyed it! The lesson here is don't hit Chuck because he hits back!

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 1.67 from: 3 votes