Bud Bundy

Latest Bud Bundy One Liners & Quotes

I'm tired of sitting Saturday nights moaning in two different voices so my sister won't tease me

This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.2 from: 15 votes

He's stalking her. I know it, I done it before

This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.56 from: 9 votes

You'll come back running to me when you're 25 and gravity has pulled you apart like a stretch Armstrong

This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.47 from: 17 votes

"Kelly:" Do you know what I would do for a house in Jamaica? "Bud:" The same thing you'd do for dinner and a movie.

This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.9 from: 41 votes

I suppose you got your usual dedication: "She works hard for the money"

This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 3 from: 11 votes

At least, when I was born and the doctor spanked me I cried instead of saying "Thanks I like it rough"

This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2 from: 13 votes

A milk shake means more to me than your happiness

This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.53 from: 19 votes