
Latest Best Funny Comebacks

You are so fake that even China denied they made you

This comeback is rated: 3.3 from: 20 votes

"Guy": Your place or mine? "Girl": Both. You go to yours and I will go to mine

This comeback is rated: 3.16 from: 19 votes

"Student": Would you punish me for something I didn’t do? "Instructor": Definitely not. "Student": Good, because I haven't done my homework

This comeback is rated: 2.91 from: 23 votes

"Guy": Can I buy you a drink? "Girl": I’d rather have the money

This comeback is rated: 2.93 from: 27 votes

"Guy": So do you wanna date? "Girl": Sorry, I don’t date outside my species.

This comeback is rated: 2.9 from: 10 votes

"Instructor": Why are you talking during my lesson? "Student": Why are you teaching during my conversation?

This comeback is rated: 2.46 from: 13 votes

You don't go out much, do you?

This comeback is rated: 2.38 from: 8 votes