Al Bundy

Latest Al Bundy One Liners & Quotes

They need us just as much as we need them. Why? Because we can do the job and you can't take a battery home to meet your mother

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.67 from: 6 votes

Now son, look here, these redwood-trees they're over a thousand years old. I'm gonna cut me one of these down and use for a base for my satellite dish

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 4.29 from: 7 votes

Run like Mexican water through a first-time tourist

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 4 from: 9 votes

Where the beer gives you gas and the Bundys kick ass... At the Nudie Bar

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 2.75 from: 8 votes

I can't sleep with that damn woman in my bed!

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 4.43 from: 7 votes

Marcy, the part with the cups goes in front

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.4 from: 15 votes

I left high-school, lost the will to live and here I am

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.08 from: 13 votes